Friday, April 22, 2011

Lesson Learned

Even when you are having a good IF day and feeling positive and hopeful, do not, I repeat DO NOT watch the baby shows on TLC.  What began as a "maybe I'll watch Make Room for Multiples" turned into several episodes, while I became more and more reminded of how much we desperately want a family.  I want my life to revolve around a child (or two or three, I'd be thrilled with multiples), I want to do nothing but change diapers, remember feedings, barely sleep or keep up with the laundry or dishes.  Which is slightly crazy, I realize.  But IF is so unfair.  The wait just drags on and on. 

As for our IVF cycle, last night was the last BCP (yay!).  Now we wait for good ole' AF to show up, and I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 28th.  Stims are planned for May 2, which I hope will come quickly (and bring with it some days above 55 degree, please).  Lupron has not been too bad.  I do have a dull, just slightly annoying headache for most of the day, and I've felt a little dizzy, but other wise so far so good. 

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for you guys ~ I cannot say that I know how you feel.. but I know the joys of motherhood and wouldn't deny the experience to anyone! You, my friend, will make a wonderful mother. Keep your chin up, even on the hard days, and thank you for sharing your journey!
