Friday, August 12, 2011

I hate you, Lupron.

It must be something about Lupron that makes me blog...

I have had a headache since Saturday.  Today is Thursday.  Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were complete hell.  The headache gradually got worse, peaking overnight Monday and all day Tuesday. Monday night and Tuesday I was extremely nauseous from the pain. Nothing worked.  I'm not supposed to take Advil, but I called the dr. Tuesday morning and was given the okay for this week only.  By Wednesday I was alternating advil and tylenol about every 4 hours, which at least kept it at a manageable pain level.  When I called the dr. the nurse says, "are you headache prone?"  Ha!  Then, "well, Lupron is known to cause headaches."  (Yes, I knew that already).   I often have headaches, but I can usually manage them and they go away with a little tylenol.  But this has been just insane.  It's quite difficult to stay sane and be productive when you've had a headache this long.  This week was supposed to be "get all my school sh*@ done so I can relax while stimming" week. So much for that plan. 

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking of you and sending prayers your way ~ I'll send a few more ;) For couples in a loving relationship who could provide so much for children, it should just be EASY! Hang in there ~ Much love, my friend!
